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Joint Director of Technical Education

Regional Office Nashik (Maharashtra)

सहसंचालक तंत्रशिक्षण विभागीय कार्यालय नाशिक (महाराष्ट्र)

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Shri.Chandrakant Patil Hon’ble Minister, H&Tech.Education

Dr.Goraksh V.Garje Hon’ble Joint Director, Tech.Education

Shri. Indranil Naik Hon’ble State Minister, H&Tech.Education

<p style="width=480px; text-align:justify; font-size:12px"> Day to Day the demand for technically skilled hands increased due to the fast growing industrial sector. To meet this demand the Government has liberalized its policy & granted permission to the private Technical Institutions in 1983. As a result of this policy the no. of private institutes increased up to great extent, ultimately it became difficult to keep control over these institutes to the Director of Technical Education. And hence the DTE has decided to de-centralized its power at the respective regional level. So the Government established the six Regional Offices at Mumbai, Pune, Nagpur, Nashik, Aurangabad & Amravati in the Year 1989 headed by the Joint Director of the region...... <a href="https://www.dtensk.org/about-us" target="_blank">.................More............</a> </p> <h1 style="width=450px" class="text-center" style="font-size:16px"> Joint Directorate’s Desk</h1>
Joint Directorate’s Desk

Joint Directorate of Technical Education Nashik is functioning under the Directorate of Technical Education, Maharashtra with the aim of having administrative control over institutes in Nashik Region.

The role of the Regional Directorate is to support the Directorate for maintaining and enhancing the quality of Technical Education by monitoring & supervising the activities of Government, aided & un-aided institutions under the Directorate. This office works with all technical Institutes in Nashik, Ahmednagar, Dhule, Jalgaon & Nandurbar districts.

Shri. B.Venugopal Reddy Hon'ble Addl.Chief Secretary,H&T Edu.

Dr.Vinod M. Mohitkar Hon'ble Director, Technical Education

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